PRTR-Spain, statistical operation of the National Statistical Plan (PEN 2021-2024), in the statistical operation 23099. And in the Inventory of Statistical Operations (IOE) 8115.

Implications of PRTR-Spain within the PEN. 
  • Importance as a  statistical operation and recognition as an environmental inventory used by the AGE, CCAA, industry, NGOs and the general public.
  • Comply with the code of good practices.
  • Deadlines for collecting, purging and validating the information. Consistency tests, etc.
  • Milestone at the national level: its inclusion implies a precedent so that PRTR can be considered within the European Statistical Plan, Eurostat Regulation.
- More information in:

- And also in:

Ministry for the ecological transition and the Demographic Challenge: quality statistics and environmental evaluationl


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PRTR-España en el Plan Estadístico Nacional (PEN 2021-2024).

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